Lecturer's Details

Nwuche, Christine Adaobi

Senior Lecturer

Name: Nwuche, Christine Adaobi
Discipline: Management
Designation(s) Senior Lecturer, 2011
Area of Specialization: Industrial Relations/Human Resources Management
E-mail: christine.nwuche@uniport.edu.ng; christinwuche@gmail.com
Telephone: +234-8033405574
Academic Qualifications:

B.Ed (21)


Ph. D


Educational management, University of Ibadan, Nigeria (1979)

London School of Economics and Political Science (1989),

Brunel University, Middlesex, London, UK (1993)

Academic/Administrative Experience:






Administrative Staff, University of Port Harcourt (last position held: Senior Assistant Registrar ),

Faculty of Management Sciences Representative at SCAPP, Uniport

Member, University of Port Harcourt Degree Result Verification Committee.

2014 – 2016 Ag. Head of Department, Management Department, Uniport.
Research Papers:


Nwuche, C. and Amah, E. (2016). Organisational Conflict Management Styles and Industrial Harmony in Nigeria Manufacturing firms. IOSR Journal of Businesses and Management vol 18, Issue 8. Ver. 11, pp 24-31.





The study examines the extent of use of 3 conflict management styles, from the Thomas-Kilman (1974) conflict model, in manufacturing firms in Port Harcourt Nigeria and the relationship between their use and industrial harmony. Results showed just average use of these styles which nonetheless correlated industrial harmony. We recommend greater involvement of employees in workplace decisions and the utilization of a more integrative problem solving.

Nwuche, C. and Wilson O. (2016). The Role of Human Capital Development in Achieving organizational sustainability: A Literature Review.

University of Port Harcourt Journal of management vol. 1, N0 1 pp 59-72.


Paper reviews different conceptualizations of organizational sustainability. Accepting Elkington’s (1999) “Triple Bottom Line” model, it examines the role of HCD in achieving sustainability. It draws attention to the need for an expansion of traditional HCD practices towards the direction of improving the organization’s adaptive capacity and encouragement of green learning if organizational sustainability is to be achieved.
Nwuche, C. and Eketu, C. (2015). Career development Practices and Workplace Deviance: The case of Nigeria.  Journal of Accounting, Finance and Economics. Vol 5 No 1 Pp 101-117.


Paper investigates the relationship between some career development (CD) practices and the incidence of destructive workplace deviance. It hypothesized that CD practices would not be associated with reduction in the variants of workplace deviance used for the study. Results showed that CD practices were associated with reduction in organizational deviance in varying degrees. Study recommends more widespread use of coaching and exposure of more employees to challenging job assignments.


Joel, A and Nwuche, C. (2015). Talent Development Techniques and the survival of banks in Nigeria.

European Journal of Business and Management vol 7 No 36, Pp 102-107.




The study examines the association between talent development techniques and the survival of banks in Nigeria using a cross sectional section survey. Research hypotheses assessed the association between both On-the-job and off-th- job training techniques on the bank survival. Results show a significant association in both instances. Study emphases the need for training as a panacea for corporate survival and sustained performance.



Enyindah, C. and Nwuche, C. (2015). The congruency between objectivity and Employee Involvement practices: An empirical investigation of Maritime Firms in Nigeria. African social and Educational journal, Imo State University Nigeria. Vol 4, no 3 pp 279-290. The study investigates whether objectivity as a workplace ethic correlates Employee Involvement practices (measured by empowerment, team orientation and capacity building) in Nigerian Maritime firms. Results suggest significant relationship between them. The study recommends that organizations give attention to encouragement of objectivity in work relationships.
Barnabas, S., Nwuche, C. and Anyanwu, S. (2016). Intellectual capital and organizational survival of selected Banks in Rivers State, Nigeria. The International Journal of Business and Management. Vol 4(1), pp 258-267. The study sought to explore the relationship between intellectual capital and organizational survival. Results suggest that investment in human capital does not guarantee the ability of banks to be proactive in identifying problems and finding timely and satisfactory solutions to them. It also does not guarantee the organization’s ability to build and integrate competencies in a rapidly changing environment.
Nwuche, C. and Eketu (2015). Linking Human Resources and Sustainable Development.

Paper presented at National Conference of The Academy of Management, Nigeria.29-30th July, University of Benin.





The paper investigates the relationship between HRD and Sustainable Development (SD). It recognizes both as two desirable paradigms that appear to be inextricably linked. Relying on literature, the paper explores how HRD can help in achieving SD in Nigeria’s economy. It makes work organizations the main focus of discourse believing that by addressing their individual HRD problems, organizations can contribute to the achievement of sustained growth and development in the economy. It submits a remodeling of HRD practices to suit the exigencies of environmental sustainability.
Eketu C. and Nwuche C. and (2014). Unethical Behaviour In Personal Service Delivery In Nigeria: A case of the Hospitality Industry. Research Journali’s Journal of Hospitality Tourism. Vol 1 No 2 Pp 2-12.


Eketu C. and Nwuche, C. (2014). Cultivating Customer Patronage Through Vertical Integration Strategy in Hospitality firms in Nigeria. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management.


The paper examines the association between unethical leadership and workers’ unethical behaviour in the hospitality industrial in Nigeria. Results from the study led to the conclusion that unethical leadership lad to the high workers’ unethical behaviour evidenced.



Paper explores alternatives for the cultivation and sa12ustenance of customer patronage in hospitality-based firms in Nigeria. It argues that the problem could be addressed via vertical integration and recommends the adoption of downward integration growth strategy.


Nwuche C. and Awa, H. (2014). Performance      Management Practices and Organizational Effectiveness. Journal of knowledge and Human Resource Management vol 6, issue 13 Pp 14.25.






Adopting goal-setting, performance appraisal and reward as elements of performance management (PM), the study investigates the relationship between these and organizational effectiveness. Results show that all three elements of PM are present but in different magnitudes and only a moderate association exists between PM practices and organizational productivity. The study concludes that organizational effectives may not depend on wholesale employee participation and recommends greater participative PM processes so as to improve the overall organizational effectiveness.


Nwuche, C. and Amah, E. (2014). Employee Involvement (EI) Trade Union Representation at Work: A study of Nigerian manufacturing Firms.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Statistics, Management and Finance vol 2, N0 1. Pp 61-76.






The study investigates whether employees loose interest in trade union representation in an employee involvement (EI) climate. The results indicate that the prevalent EI climate had all attributes of EI but was relatively low in the decision making attribute. Employees continued interest in trade union representation was evident and both employers and employees find “dual-channel voice” desirable, conditions we conclude would enhance sustainable development.



Amah, E. and Nwuche, C. (2013). The influence of size on Corporate culture and organizational effectiveness in the Nigerian Banking Industry. International Journal of Business Adminsitration vol 4 No 5 pp 15-23.


The paper examines the effect of size on corporate culture and organizational effectiveness in the Nigerian banking industry. Conclusions based on the findings were that size has significant effect on corporate culture and organizational effectiveness. It was recommended that organizations should have a “big company/small company hybrid” which combines a large corporation’s resources and reach with a small company’s simplicity and flexibility.
Amah, E., Nwuche, C and Chukuigwe, N. (2013). The Influence on size on Organizational Climate and Corporate performance in the Nigerian Oil Industry. Vol 16, Issue 5 Pp 38-45.




The study explores the relationship between size and organizational climate and corporate performance in Nigeria’s oil industry. Results shows a positive and significant relationship between the variables. It concludes that organizations can enhance their competitive advantage and effectiveness by taking the effect of size on organizational climate and performance into cognizance.


Amah, E., Nwuche, C., Chukuigwe, N. (2013). Result Oriented Target setting and leading High Performance Teams. Industrial Engineering Letter vol 3 No 9 Pp 47-59.





The paper reviews literature on result oriented target setting and effective leadership of teams. The paper concludes that, to a larger extent, organizational success depends on the type of targets organizations set and how well teams are led so to achieve the set targets. It recommends the encouragement of result oriented goals, employees team involvement so to enhance their responsiveness and commitment to the achievement of set goals.
Amah, E., Nwuche, C. and Chukuigwe, N. (2013). Effective Reward and Incentive Schemes for Effective Organizations. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting. Vol 4, No 13 Pp 73-79.





The paper reviews literature on the effects of affective reward and incentive scheme on organization performance. It concludes that, to a large extent, the success of organizations depends on how effective their reward and incentive schemes are. The paper recommends that managers should put in place effective reward and incentive schemes that a sufficiently motivating to employees so as to enhance their productivity, responsiveness and commitment to organizational goals achievement.
Amah, E., Nwuche, C. and Chukuigwe, N. (2013). Technology and the influence of corporate culture on Organizational Effectiveness. A study of the Banking Industry in Nigeria. European Journal of Business and Management. Vol 5, No 22 Pp 137-145.




The study examines the effect of technology on the influence of corporate culture on organizational effectiveness. The findings enable the conclusion that organizational technology has a significant effect on the influence of corporate culture and organizational effectiveness. Effective management of technology is recommended so to empower workers and improve competitive of organizations.
Nwuche C. and Awa, H. (2011). Career Planning and Development: The realities in Nigerian Organizations, International Business and Management-vol 2, No 2, Pp 117-127.


The study investigates whether Nigerian organization give premium to career planning and development activities. It concludes that organizations do embark on career planning and development programs but do not give as much attention to personal needs of employees as they do corporate needs.





Awa, H. and Nwuche C. (2010). Cognitive consistency in Purchase Behaviour: Theoretical and Empirical analysis.

International Journal of Psychological studies vol 2, No 1, Pp 44-53.


The paper critically analyses and synthesizes Heider’s  balance theory, Osgood’s congruity model and Festinger’s cognitive dissonance theory with a view to proffering a tripartite approach to solving inconsistency among cognitive elements. It concludes that Festinger’s theory provides the most elaborate perspective, emphasizing on psychological tension and means of achieving consistency within and between cognitive system.


Awa, H. Nwuche, C. and Asiegbu, I. (2010). Innovation Adoption Theories: A Meta-Comparative Analysis of their Explanatory and Predictive Capabilities in Information Technology (IT) use Behaviour by SMEs. Journal of Business strategy vol 1, No 1, Pp 48-96.


The paper evaluates the suitability of some innovation adoption theories in explaining IT adoption behaviour of SMEs. It concludes that no single model does complete justice and suggest the adoption of a more integrative model.



Nwuche C. (2010) Employee Involvement (EI) at work: Mere Rhetoric? Uyo journal of management sciences. Vol 2, Pp 133-152.




The study explores the extent to which employees get involved in specific work decision areas as well as the presence of EI success elements in the workplace. The results confirm the presence of EI success elements as well as the involvement of non-managers in some work decision areas.


Jaja, S. and Nwuche C. (2010). Reformulating organizational couple equation in Nigerian Organizations. West African Journal of Business vol 12, No 1, Pp 1-11.



The paper explores the dimensions of the OCQ construct and draws attention to the need to encourage a new way of thinking about, and ordering of ideas in the management of organizational relationships.




Nwuche, C. and Oweifa, F. (2010). Dynamics of Building Personal and Organizational Resilience: A challenge for the Nigerian Manager. ABSU Journal of Management Sciences, vol 6, No 1, Pp 65-80.


The paper examines the relevance and principles of organizational resilience as well as the challenge and prospects of implementing resilience programs.


George, B. and Nwuche, C. (2010). Models: keys to understanding and explaining entrepreneurial and strategic thinking. Journal of Business Studies vol X11, No 1, 2010 Pp 1-21.


The paper explores the view that the use of modeling is the key to understanding and explaining entrepreneurial and strategic thinking. It includes that the use of modeling will at best give an insight in describing the processes than enabling any detailed analysis.
Umoh, G. and Nwuche, C. (2009). Impact of organization culture on the performance of petroleum prospecting firms in Nigeria. Nigerian Business and Social Review vol 8, No 1, Pp 146-161.


The study sought to examine the existing organizational culture in petroleum prospecting firms and the extent of employee acceptance of the culture. Using a 14- factor culture profile, the study established that petroleum prospecting firm in Nigeria appear to have similar culture but differ in their factor preferences.
George, B. and Nwuche, C. (2009). Socio-psychological construct for organization-man: A lession for the African Manager. West African Journal of Business, vol 11, No2, Pp 35-62.


The paper reviews the socio-psychological constructs that influence organizational outcomes. It concludes that man is the pivot on which these constructs oscillate and impact, resulting in positive organizational outcomes.



Okwuise, Y. and Nwuche, C. (2008). Job Rotation and enhancement of employee ethical practices in formal organizations: A focus on Nigerian Commercial Banks. Nigerian Journal of Management Sciences vol 1X, No 2, Pp174-191.


The study examines the impact of job rotation on employee performance at work. It concludes that job rotation is an indispensible tool for enhancing employee performance but should be blended with other forms of training programmes.



Nwuche, C. (2008). Rethinking Leader-Managerial Practices for Operational Efficiency in Public service: A focus on the Nigeria Immigration service. ABSU Journal of Management Sciences, vol 4, No 1, Pp 94-107. The paper highlights the major leader-managerial practices which are capable of enhancing operational efficiency in Nigeria’s immigration service.
Nwuche, C. (2008). A diagnostic approach towards effective service delivery in the public service: A focus on Nigeria Immigration service. ABSU Journal of Management Sciences vol 4, No2, Pp 127-141.


Paper examines service delivery in Nigerian immigration and identifying stills and competencies relevant for organizational effectiveness.