DESIGNATION(S): Senior Lecturer in Marketing
Phone: 08037975284
E-mail: amuejohgonewa@gmail.com
OFFICE BLOCK/ADDRESS: Department of Marketing, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, P.M.B. 5323, Port Harcourt.
University of Port Harcourt: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)
Degree in Marketing, 2010.
Imo State University, Owerri: Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree in Marketing, 2002.
Rivers State University of Sciences and Technology, Port Harcourt Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) Degree in Marketing, 1989.
Bishop Dimieari Grammar School, Yenagoa: West Africa School Certificate (WASC), 1982.
General Certificate of Education (GCE), 1982
State School I Elele; First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC), 1976.
Full Member, The Academy of Management, Nigeria (TAMN), 2015.
Member; National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria (NIMIN), 2008.
University of Port Harcourt, Choba, Department of Marketing; Senior Lecturer, October, 2012 – Date.
University of Port Harcourt Choba, Department of Marketing: Lecturer I, October, 2008.
University of Port Harcourt Choba, Department of Marketing: Lecturer II, August, 2005.
International/Foreign Publications
- Amue, Gonewa John, Umoh Godwin Ikpe and Ngaage “Dynamic Behaviour in Customer” Switching and Marketing share Analysis: The Markov Model Perspectives. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, Vol. 12, Issue 17 (1-8) publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA).
- Asiegbu, Ikechukwu F. Amue, Gonewa John, Odili Monday (2012), “Customer Value Initiatives of what Specific Benefit to the Deposit Banks in Nigeria” International Journal of Exclusive Management Research, Vol. 2, Issue 6, 44 – 54. Karmataka, (India).
- Amue, G. John, Ozuru, H.N. (2012), “Enhancing Firm performance in Technology – Based Exchange Transaction. Global Journal of Management Sciences and Technology. Vol. 1, Issue 9, 20-26 (UK)
- Amue, Gonewa John, Abiye Horsefall and Igwe Sunny R. (2012), “Behavioral – Based Segmentation and Marketing Success: An Empirical Investigation of Fast Food Industry in Nigeria. European Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 4, No 15, 56-65(UK).
- Amue, G.J. and Kenneth, C. Adiele (2012), “New Product Development and Consumer Innovative Behaviour: An Empirical Validation Study. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences. Vol. 1, No. 6, 97-109 (Zurich, Switzerland).
- Amue, Gonewa John, Asiegbu, Ikechukwu Francis, Chukwu, Ikenna Innocent (2012) “Improving sales performance K.T. (2012) Through sales force Motivation strategies: A study of Pharmaceutical Firms in Nigeria. International Journal of Business Management, Vol. 3, No. 5, 620-626 (Canada).
- Amue, Gonewa J. Iruka, H. Chijindu, and Igwe R. Sunny (2013) “Value Added Opportunities Through Customer Care Management: A Study into the GSM Service Operators in Nigeria. “International Journal of Business and Management Tomorrow 3, No. 7, 1-8 (Canada)
- Amue, Gonewa J. and Igwe, R. Sunny (2013), “Market Orientation, Firms’s level characteristics and Environmental Factors: Investigating the Moderating Effect on E-Commerce Competence”. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 12, Issue 4, 1-8 (India).
- Amue, Gonewa J. (2013), “Trust – Building Capabilities in E-Commerce: An Investigation into E-Ticketing Service in Aviation Industry. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, Vol. 13 Issue 7, 35-42 (USA).
- Amue, Gonewa John, Abiye Horsfall Levi, Nwiepe Naata Michael (2013), “Building Profitable Relationship Through customer Equity: A Study into Customer Lifetime Value of Commercial Banks in Nigeria. International Journal of Business and Behavioural Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 7, 30-44(Oman).
- Amue, Gonewa John, Igwe Sunny R & Friday Nkoro (2013), Market-Oriented Culture in Nollywood Industry: Empirical Investigation of Film Makers and Producers in Nigeria. International Journal of Business Management, Vol.4, Issue 4, 752-758 (Canada).
- Amue, Gonewa John, Kenneth Adiele, & Friday Nkoro (2013), Physical Settings and Patronage of Three Star Hotels in Nigeria’s Federal Capital Territory Abuja. International Journal of Business Management Economic Research, Vol 4, No. 3, 745-751.
- Amue, Gonewa John, Igwe Sunny R. (2014), Sales Foice Compensation Mechanisms: A Strategy for Sustainable Competitiveness in the Banking Industry” IOSR Journal of Business and Management Invention, Vol. 16.51-59 (India).
- Amue, Gonewa J. & Asiegbu, Ikechukwu F. (2014), International Branding Initiatives and Brand Performance: An Empirical Investigation of Fast Food Industry in Nigeria” international Journal of Business and Management Invention, Vol.3, Issue 9. 32-40 Ghaziabad, (India).
- Chijindu H. Iruka, John G. Amue, & Sunny R. Igwe. (2014), Trust, Privacy and Peer Group Correlates of Intention to Adopt the Automated Teller Machine in Nigeria 1998-2012, Journal of Information Engineering and Application, Vol.4, No.8. 40-48 (USA).
- Amue, Gonewa John, Igwe, Sunny R. & Abiye Horsfall, ICT Entrepreneurship and Small Business Innovation: A Mechanism for Sustainability. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, Vol. 3,No.6.103-112 (Zurich, Switzerland).
- Amue, Gonewa John (2014) Brand Identity, Regulatory Policy and Finn Effectiveness: Empirical Evidence from Quoted Commercial Banks in Nigeria. European Journal of Business and Management, Vol.6, No.29. 3-24. (USA)
- Amue, Gonewa J, &Igwe, Sunny R., (2014) Assessing the Moderating Effects of Competitive Intensity, Endogenous Parameters and Indirect Effects on Customer Equity and Financial Performance Link. International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol. 5, No. 10, Sept. 171-182 (USA).
- Amue, Gonewa J., (2014) Market Orientation, Organizational Learning Capabilities and Strategic Competitiveness: An Inquiry into the Causes of Sustainable Competitive Success. International Business Research; Vol. 7, No. 10; 179-186 (Canada).
- Gonewa J. Amue & Henry Ozuru (2014) Supply Chain Integration in Organizations: An Empirical Investigation of the Nigeria Oil and Gas Industry. International Journal of Marketing Studies; Vol.6, No.6.129-140. (Toronto-Canada).
- Igwe Rukani S. & Amue, Gonewa John (2014) Customer Satisfaction: A Sustainable Moderator of Antecedents- Intention to Use Link of GSM Amongst University Lecturers in Nigeria. International Journal of Development and Sustainability; Vol.3, No. 11.2117-2125 (Japan)
- Kalu, S. Ezema & Amue, G. John, (2004) Customer Problems in the Fast-Food Restaurants: The Niger Delta Experience, Journal of industrial Business & Economic Research. Vol. 8, No. 2, 240 – 252 (Port Harcourt, Nigeria)
- Kalu, Sylva Ezema & Amue, Gonewa John, (2004) Marketing Practices in a Developing Economy: The Nigerian Experience. Journal of Industrial Business & Economic Research. Vol. 8, No. 3, 346 – 358 (Port Harcourt, Nigeria)
- Kalu, Sylva Ezema & Amue, Gonewa John, (2005) Improving value managed relationship: key to customer retention and profitability in Nigerian banking industry. Journal Of industrial Business And Economic Research: Vol. 9 No. 1, 31 – 51 (Port Harcourt, Nigeria).
- Kalu, Sylva Ezema, Amue, G. John and Igwe, Sunny R. (2008), Public Policy and Tourism: the Nigerian Experience: African Journal of Entrepreneurship Vol. 1, No. 2,148 — 160 (Port Harcourt, Nigeria).
- Amue J. G, Igwe S. Rand Nwiepe N. M (2012) Accelerating firm’s performance through managing customer experience: lesson from entertainment industry in Nigeria. Journal of business and value creation media edition vol, 1 No. 1, 95 – 106 (Port Harcourt, Nigeria).
- Igwe S. R, Amue J. G and Asiegbu, I. F. (2012), The nature and determinants of sustainable customer patronage in GSM: the Nigerian experience. Journal of Business and Value Creation Vol. 1 No. 1, 61 -74 (Port Harcourt, Nigeria).
- Amue, Gonewa J., Sunny Igwe R. & Horsfall, Abiye L (2013) After-Sales Service: A Strategy For Building Sustainable Competitive Advantage In Business Markets. Journal of Business & Value Creation, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1 – 19 (Port Harcourt, Nigeria).
- Amue, Gonewa John (2014), Social Media Networks: The Impacts of Online User-Generated Content on Customer Behavioural Intentions, African Social and Policy Journal, Vol.7 No. 1, 3o – 42 (Port Harcourt, Nigeria).
- Amue, Gonewa John (2014), Exploring the Moderating Effects of Customer Value on the Link Between Service Quality and Behavioral intention. West African Journal of Business, and Management Sciences, Vol. 3,No. 2, 108 – 120 (Owerri, Nigeria).
- Amue, Gonewa J., Sunny Igwe R. & Hoisfall, Abiye L (2014), Predicting New Product’s Long- Term Market Share and Sales Volume Through Pretest Market Forecasting Model. Journal of Business & Value Creation, Vol.3, No. 1, 34 – 45 (Port Harcourt, Nigeria).
- Amue, Gonewa John, & Abiye, Horsa1l (2014) Investigating The Effects Of Online User- Generated Content On New Product Sales: A Choice Modeling Approach. Journal of Management Sciences, A Publication of the Faculty of Management Science, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria, Vol 1 No. 1, 202 – 220 Uniport (Nigeria).
- Amue, Gonewa John & Igwe, Sunny R. (2014), Forecasting Sales of An Innovative Products Through Stimulation Technique: The Logic Model Perspective. Nigerian Journal of Financial Research, Vol.9 No. 1, 1599 – 8051 Uniport (Nigeria).
- Amue, Gonewa John (2014), Evaluating the Mediating Role of Customer Satisfaction on the Relationship Between Perceived Customer Value and Behavioural Intentions. West African Journal of Business and Management Sciences, Vol.3, No. 2A, 247 – 263 (Owerri, (Nigeria).
- Amue, Gonewa John & Akekue-Alex Nanaaton (2014), Social Media Initiatives and Organization Performance of Retail Business in Nigeria, African Social and Educational Journal, Nigeria Edition, Vol. 3, No. 3, 132 – 148 Owerri (Nigeria).
- Ozuru, Henry N; Amue, John G. & Amadi Blessing Z (2014), A Comparative Study of Consumer Preference of Cadbury Bournvita and Nestle Milo Beverages in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. Journal of Applied Sciences and Development (JASD), Vol 5. No. 1-2, 25 – 52 Enugu, (Nigeria).
- Amue, Gonewa John (2015) Impact of Physical Surroundings on Customer Behaviour: A Critical Review and Theoretical Implications. African Social and Educational Journal, Vol. 4, No. 1 Owerri (Nigeria).
- Sunday, Bari-Aara A. & Amue, John G. (2016), Integrity Capabilities in Distribution: An Empirical Investigation of Petroleum Products Companies in Nigeria. University of Port Harcourt Journal of Accounting and Business. Vol. 3, No. 1. Rivers State (Nigeria).
- Igwe, Sunny R & Amue, Gonewa John, (2016), Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Resource Management and Sustainable Development Among Telecommunication Firms in Nigeria. AAU Journal of Management Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 1, Ambrose Alli University, Akpoma.
- Amue, Gonewa John, & Igwe, Sunny R. (2016), Brand Alliance Practices and Perceived Brand Loyalty: An Inquiry into the Causes of Market Success. AAU Journal of Management Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 1, Ambrose Alli University, Akpoma.
- Amue, G. John, & Igwe, Sunny R. (2016), The Effects Of Affinity Marketing Initiatives On Performance Of Online Consumer Packaged Food Industry. Covenant Journal of Business & Social Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 2.
- Amue, G.J. (2008) Purchasing and Materials Management First Edition. David Stones Publishers Limited, Port Harcourt (Nigeria).
- Amue, G.J. (2012). Industrial Marketing. 2nd Edition Davidstones Projects Limited, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
- Amue, G.J. Kalu, S.E. and Igwe, S.R. (2008) “Public Policy and Tourism: The Nigeria Experience. Paper Presented at the National institute of Marketing in Nigeria – Marketing Educators Conference, Calabar (September, 2008).
- Ozuru, H.N.; Chikwe, J.E. and Amue, G.J. (2012) “Consumer Behaviour and online shopping Adoption in Nigeria. paper presented at the IAABD 13th International Conference, Hosted by EL Jadida Polydisciplnary University El Jadida, Morocco (May, 2012).
- Amue, G.J. Igwe, S.R. and Horsefall, A (2014) “ICT Entrepreneurship and small Business Innovation: A Machanism for sustainability paper presented at the conference of the Faculty of Management Sciences Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka-Nigeria.
- Ozuru, H.N.; Amue, G.J. and Osho, O.O. (2014) “Celebratory Contagion and Advertising Success in Nigeria Tele-communications Industry. Paper Presented at the conference of the Faculty of Management Sciences Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka,
I have taught undergraduate course for a period of ten years and the graduate courses for a period of three years. Within the said period, I have supervised and co-supervised over 200 undergraduate projects and over ten (ten) master dissertations. Courses taught at the undergraduate levels include; principle of Marketing, consumer behavior, physical distribution management, marketing strategy, quantitative techniques in marketing, industrial marketing, purchasing and materials management, and the courses taught at the graduate levels include; marketing model, fundamentals of marketing, industrial marketing, Agricultural/Food Marketing and services marketing.
- Head of Department of Marketing 2016 – date
- Member, Senate Committee on Academic Programmes and Policies. 2014 – 2016
- Time Table officer for the Faculty 2007-2008
- Departmental coordinator, Post-Graduate Programmes 2010-2012.
- Examination officer, Department of Marketing 2012-2014.
- Production Editor, Journal of Business and Value Creation 2013-date.
- Member of teaching Team at the University of Port Harcourt College of Continuing Education Port Harcourt Centre (2007-2014).
- Member, Subject Experts for the Development of Odel Programmes.
- Senior Political Aide to National Assembly Service commission (2009-2010).
- Coordinator South-South the Academy of Management 2015- date